Thursday, December 11, 2008

Free Your Mind | Prelude To A New Age

"I don't mind what Congress does, as long as they don't do it in the streets and frighten the horses.", is what Victor Hugo French dramatist, novelist, & poet wrote in the early eighteen-hundreds.

"I Don't Mind If You Keep Voting, But Do You Mind If I Keep Laughing While You Do ?" is what was said by Wilton D. Alston. on this popular article written just this year.

Your probably asking yourself what I am talking about. You probably wondering," what's the point"?

Free thinking isn't for everyone. Most people don't want to know what's going on. You may have wondered how far the rabbit hole goes. Films like The Matrix put an interesting twist on the fundamentals of what your really thinking but not acting upon. If films like "Zeitgest" where merely a conspiracy theory or anti-propaganda then why would so many people be becoming slowly influenced and affected by it. You have to open your minds eye to really see a clearer and bigger picture. The wool may have been pulled over your eyes but you can simply take it off. It important to know the things that may be happening around us. Many things may not be as they seem.

Free thinking simply allows your mind to adapt to an ever changing environment of decensizing propaganda and even false media around us.

Your own future lies in your hands. Simply, free your mind. Believe. There are others who believe you and are free thinkers.

Hope this was in formative. Hope you didn't mind.

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